Restaurants online ordering and pickup solution
More than 250 restaurants across the globe use our weevi tools to take orders on their own websites and apps, manage delivery logistics, market their selling tools more efficiently and get detailed analytics regarding the performance of their restaurant
Wholesale distribution and logistics solution
We enabled a wholesaler, to locate and signup new
resellers and optimize its fleet drivers to distribute faster,
smarter, and more efficiently.
Fire equipments maintenance solution
We helped a fire products and systems company,
optimize its maintenance schedules, follow up on their
teams' performance and streamline their workshop
Marine ships servicing and parts platform
We worked closely with a marine ships servicing
company to digitize its whole maintenance and parts
requests. We provided optimized project management,
team performance and billing systems
Election management platform
We helped political parties, manage their followers
community and gather, sort out and analyze huge
amount of population data to enhance their popularity.
We developed tools to communicate with audiences,
organize events, assign tasks, monitor performance, and
compile AI powered data before and on election days.
Retail online commerce solutions
Weevi have facilitated the go live of more than 120 retail businesses and groceries across the globe. Using our weevi tools retailers have gone online with apps and ecommerce websites integrated with their current tools, in record times.
Digital ordering project management and consultancy
We have orchestrated the online ordering platform release for Subway middle east and GCC, in more than 7 countries and on over 400 locations. Greydeck lead on project management, performance metrics, marketing and technology consultancy.
Tele medicine solution
We custom developed a tele medicine platform that virtually connects doctors to patients through video conferencing and chats. Accessible through a Web interface or IOS and android apps.